The Truth Hurts Sometimes
Sep 17, 2023
When you are fully connected to source, God, yourself, or love... (whatever you want to call it) you feel good.
Your life flows magically.
You are happy, you are healthy, and you feel amazing.
When you are connected to love within, and you feel good about yourself, you have thriving relationships, you love what you do, and you are abundant, blessed, and successful in everything that you do.
When you are disconnected from the truth of who you truly are, it hurts, and you don’t feel very good.
You might have pain in your body, you’ll be exhausted all the time, and you might even have anxiety or experience panic attacks. You’ll be stressed, you might be depressed, and there is a pretty good chance you’ll be either overweight or underweight, and struggling on the inside.
Essentially you will be at war with yourself, and sadly everyone else around you.
That means when you are out of alignment with the truth, or you are not operating out of your highest good, someone is going to have to come into your life and call you out on your own bullshit.
That person can either be yourself (if you are wise enough), or if you’re not willing to face the truth, it will be someone else.
When that happens it hurts, and often the first response is a shielded heart, anger, shame, disconnection, isolation, guilt, rage, and backlash at the one who spoke the truth to you.
Say for example you’re in your 40’s, have gained weight, you don’t work out, and you’re feeling out of style and frumpy in your current clothes and hate your wardrobe...
In walks in your teenage daughter who jokingly says something to you about how your outfit look like an old Granny. It would be so easy to get angry and defensive, but the highest self would actually pause, turn inward, reflect, and ask herself…
Was there truth to that statement?
Was she right?
Can I make some improvements?
Do I need to make some changes?
Can I ask for help?
Can I start today?
Sure, the comment hurt and perhaps made you angry and cry in the bathroom, but sometimes God uses certain people to wake you up and get you to change.
Sometimes those that love you will speak the truth to you so that you can change your life and be the best that you can be.
I know this is a little example, but what about the bigger issues that you might be struggling with and would like to improve on?
Those are the ones that I want you to reflect on when it comes to your life.
What about the ones that hit home and trigger you?
What about the ones that make you feel bad or feel shame?
When they hit home you know that there is some truth to it because it crushes your heart and deep down you know it’s true.
A few examples could be…
You’re never around…
You’re always on your phone…
You’re lazy…
You're always late...
All you do is sleep…
You’ve gained weight…
You don’t take care of yourself…
You’re too busy…
You're no fun anymore and boring to be around…
You’re wasting your life away…
You drink too much...
Your breath wreaks like smoke and your teeth are yellow...
Those drugs are killing your braincells and making you look older than you are...
You never help out around the house…
You are so selfish and all you do is talk about is yourself…
You never listen to me…
You're wasting your money on shit you really don't need...
You eat like crap…
You have no life and no friends…
Sounds like a bandaid solution. You probably need to leave him...
All your friends are losers and aren’t doing anything with their life…
You are always so rude and condescending…
All you do is gossip and talk bad about other people…
You’re so cheap…
You never slow down…
You’re ungrateful…
You’re settling and you deserve better…
While I whole heartedly believe in being kind and loving to everyone you meet, you also need to look yourself in the mirror and be kind and loving to yourself first!
With being kind and loving to yourself first comes with being 100% honest and 100% happy with yourself first.
That really is the only way you can be authentically kind and loving to others and love them unconditionally.
With honesty, comes some very hard truths.
With hard truths come anger.
With anger comes a breaking point.
With a breaking point comes an opportunity to change.
With change comes life.
With life comes freedom
With freedom comes love.
With love, you will be living your life happily ever after.
Today have the courage to look yourself in the mirror and have a heart to heart with yourself.
Are there some hard truths you need to face?
Do you have some bad habits that are no longer serving you?
Do you have some changes you have to make?
Pause, and listen to that soft little whisper from within for it will always direct you and lead you higher.
You see, a lot of people want a better life, but they aren’t willing to be honest with themselves and make the changes necessary and required to get that better life.
Aligning with your highest self isn’t easy at first.
It’s hard work on yourself day in and day out and it requires a lot of changes and sometimes a lot of sacrifices.
But those changes and sacrifices will always lead you higher and they are always for your highest good.
Be willing to take the leap and make any changes you feel deep down you need to make.
You will be rewarded greatly for loving yourself so much that it hurts. (Ha.. See what I did there) wink wink...
If you are ready to live your life happily ever after, then here are a few recommendations for you today.
1. Go all in on your life and Join me in my Life Worth Living Challenge today. If you are serious about changing your life and are willing to do whatever is necessary and required to get you the kind of life you're excited about, Click here to join me right now. Prep week starts tomorrow!
2. Join my Prayer Promises Challenge. If you're going to change your life, you need to learn how to pray properly! Click here to join me for 30 days.
3. Join me live October 1st in my Soul Perfection Master Class. You need a healthy, strong community. You need friends who are growing and going places with their life. You need people you align with and who believe in you. Most of all you need ongoing support. Click here to join!
4. Don't hate. Come meditate with me. Access your free 30 day trial on Insight Timer to access 3 new high level meditations for free.
5. Find your joy again! Stay off social media as much as possible and connect with your own life. Join my 7 Day Free Digital Detox Challenge!
6. Rise and Shine. Work so hard on yourself and tap into the strength within you. You've already got everything you need to make your life a happy one! Order the book today!
7. Be kind to everyone you meet, especially yourself. You have no idea how someone is feeling on the inside our how fragile they are. You have no idea what someone is going through or what they are dealing with. You have no idea what challenges they are facing or what darker forces they are battling with. Always be kind and loving to those in your life and those people you come into contact with, for that goodness will ALWAYS come back to you.
Be amazing. Be excellent. Be exceptional. Be extraordinary.
Have the most beautiful day and please know I am cheering for you.
Join the Life Worth Living Challenge Today!
Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.
This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.