The Ultimate 30 Day Prayer Challenge Designed Specifically to Help You Conquer Your Mindset, Transform Your Life.




What you think and what you speak will in fact come into existence. 

That means you must be very intentional about your thoughts and what comes out of your mouth as whether you focus on the good or bad, it will be a self fulfilling prophesy.  

Since your future is built in the present moment you must pay no attention to what you see.  You must only focus on the unseen and speak that over your life.

These next 30 days will focus on conquering and overcoming the biggest mountain you've ever climbed.

Your mind.

Join me for my 30 Day Prayer Promises Challenge.

Every day I will send you an email and a daily prayer that will help you to change your life.

How much does it cost?


Get busy changing your life the right way, from the inside out.  Sign up today!

Rewire Your Mind for Success

Everyone has two voices inside their head.

There is a negative inner voice that will be loud and clear.  It constantly says things like you're stupid, ugly, old, fat, disgusting, are not good enough, pretty enough, educated enough, qualified enough, or that you're not doing enough.


It's one and only job is to keep you stuck living in hell for the rest of your life.


Then you have a soft little whisper from within that is always leading you higher.  That voice is quiet but it is always positive and grounded in love.  That voice will always tell you the truth.  It will constantly tell you that you are perfect, healthy, smart, worthy, qualified, and more than good enough.


What voice you choose to listen to and follow will ultimately be how incredible your life is and becomes.  


We all came into this world created equal.  We all came here with love in our hearts, and a purpose to fulfill.  Sadly, we all become detached from that voice and then most of our life becomes a living hell and a journey back home to the truth of who we really are.

For some the journey is short and easy.


For others the journey is a lifetime of pain, suffering, hardship, and struggle.

But in the end we always make our way back home to ourselves and it's a beautiful process of finding out who we truly are.


So to help you on your journey to becoming your absolute BEST self this year I've created a 30 Day Prayer Promises Challenge.


I designed it specifically to help you transform your mind!

I know for a fact it works and has the ability to set you up for massive success this year.


Get 30 brand new morning prayers that will help you change your life.


If you don't learn HOW to master your mindset and take your power back, there's a pretty good chance you won't fulfill those big dreams of yours or ever be happy or healthy!



Each prayer along with a short teaching lesson will come delivered right to your inbox starting today!


You will also get lifetime access to all 30 days in your own private members area so you can access them anytime!


May this year be the absolute BEST year of your life.

Because at the end of the day you always get to choose.


Will you choose to listen to the truth that will ultimately set you free and make your life absolutely easy and incredible?


Or will you choose to listen to fear and the lies and be stuck living in hell for the rest of your life?


You ultimately are one breath, and once choice away from an entirely new life.


Join today and get started on doing the work that actually changes your life.


Prayer Promises Challenge


One Time Payment

  • Self paced online challenge where you will receive a total of 30 days worth of spiritual guidance and a morning prayer designed specifically to help you conquer your mindset and transform your life.

  • Deepen your faith and your connection with yourself. Receive the tools you need so that you can rise above your greatest struggles and challenges in life.

  • Receive all training and morning prayers in your own private member's area so that you can access the content and prayers any time you wish.  

  • You will also receive one email per day for a total of 30 days as part of the challenge.
  • Most importantly you will receive the mentorship you really need to excel and breakthrough to that next level in your life.


Conquer Your Mind.  Transform Your Life.



Start your day off grounded in something bigger than yourself.  You'll stay motivated and most importantly will learn how to think differently and pray effectively.

You'll begin to deepen your relationship with yourself and God and tap into the healing powers from within. 

All content of this challenge has been personally created for you by Lindsay Rose Martin.

Get the support you need to journey through all the realms of your life.

Build a solid daily prayer practice.

Learn Lindsay's secrets to overall health and well-being.

Lock in a solid spiritual practice to support you as you go through dark times.

Develop better boundaries in all the relationships of your life.

Learn the art of manifesting your future and how to let go and release any negative energy you could be holding onto.

Discover how to attract abundance in your life, and how to start the process of loving yourself unconditionally. Learn how to finally free yourself, and lose the emotional dead weight you might be hanging on to.

20 years of transformation insight from Lindsay Rose Martin.


As an author and spiritual teacher, I am dedicated and committed to helping millions of people around the world return home to their true authentic self. 

My books, programs and events all serve a common purpose and that is to teach people who they really are, to help people return to a space of pure unconditional love, and to help elevate them to the next level in their life.

I am a wife, mother, and I love country music, pretty pink things, flowers, rainbows, sunshine, feathers, and spending as much time with God as humanly possible.


DISCLAIMER: My programs are intended to help motivate, and inspire you to make some positive changes in your life.  I am simply sharing my experiences with you, as I believe I can help give you a little perspective to get you unstuck, and on the path to living your best life.


Changing your life requires hard work.  It requires consistent effort, and I cannot guarantee that by taking any of my courses or reading any of my books that you will actually change your life.


As stipulated by law, I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or change your life with my ideas, information, tools, downloads, or strategies.  


I do not know you, and your results in your life are up to you. 


I just want to help you by giving great content, perspective, and strategies, that worked well in my life and anything that I post, or write is a complete expression of my own authentic self, my own truth, and creative free will.    


What I can guarantee is your satisfaction though, as I will only put my heart and soul into everything I do, but do understand that I might not be everyones cup of tea.


That's why I always offer a full 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of the service I provide to you, just ask for your money back.


You should know that all products and services offered by my company are for educational and informational purposes only.


Nothing on my website, or in my courses, or any other content, curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results.


I do not offer any legal, medical, health, tax or other professional advice. 


Making decisions or changes based on any information presented in my products or services or website, should be done only with the knowledge I can't guarantee how hard you will work on yourself.


Always consult your own professional advisor before acting on a lifestyle change in your life.


You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold anyone liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.


It's all pretty basic stuff -- Your life. Your choices. Your responsibility.


I feel transparency is important, and I will always hold myself to an incredibly high standard of integrity, speaking from my heart, being open, honesty and speaking my truth.  


It's why I give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 


If for any reason you wish to no longer receive my emails simply hit the unsubscribe button down below and you'll never hear from me again.  


As always wishing you nothing but the best.




This website’s content should not be considered as a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis.  Always consult and get clearance from your physician or health care provider.

The information contained here is not intended to provide physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever and should not be relied upon in that regard. I am not a medical professional, and nothing on this website should be construed otherwise.

If you choose to participate, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such activities.  My advice, whether it be on social media, in my courses, books, my website, live videos, or via email, is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning ANY program, with no exceptions. Your participation in using my programs and coaching is at your own risk, and I am not responsible for any injuries, including death, or health problems you may experience due to using my programs.  It is to be made clear that I am not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death due to using any of my products or services.


I cannot guarantee any specific results and results may vary regardless of how closely you follow my products and services.  Although I expect positive results for those that implement the products and services from me correctly, it must be disclaimed that even when consumers implement any products or services in full from me, they may still not get the results they may have expected.



All the transformations and testimonials were submitted by free will and are real.  Images have been changed to protect and be respectful of personal identity.  No testimonials will be shared without written consent and authorization first.  However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results or any type of guarantee. They are meant to showcase what the most motivated and dedicated people have achieved by following my coaching and programs. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results compared to someone else when using my services due to differences in your personal history, genetics, lifestyle, motivation, mindset, and dedication. The results you get will depend upon the individual and the effort put in.

With all my online services, I have a 10-day 100% money-back guarantee — If within the first 10 days of your initial purchase you are not satisfied you can request a full refund by contacting the Customer Support team. You will be refunded without question.  Questions? Please email me at [email protected]