Wake Up and Live Your Life Happy, Healthy, and Free!






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Imagine Your Dream


Create Your Happiness


Live Your Life Happy, Healthy, and Free


Unlocking the Secrets to Inner Peace and Lasting Happiness


The next 28 days are going to change the way you see yourself if you work hard and stay dedicated long enough to see the results both inside and out!


Sometimes in life we can hang onto the past or live for others instead of living fully for ourselves first.


In doing so it robs us of the happiness, health, energy, confidence, love, joy, abundance, and vibrancy we truly deserve.  In return we wind up settling for less and live a sad, boring life of existence.


If we are not truly happy, healthy, free, and living our life on purpose, we can allow our emotions to get the best of us.  We can allow ourselves to feel fear, insecurity, guilt, shame, anger, embarrassment or regret by how we are choosing to live our life.


If we are not growing and expanding into who we were created to be we can allow ourselves to feel like a total failure and waste years of our precious life away blaming others or feeling sorry for ourselves. 


If we are not evolving we can allow doubt, worry, stress, and negativity to prevent us from from stepping boldly into the person we know we want to be.


We can allow the judgements and opinions of others to stop us and we can continue to tolerate unsupportive relationships when deep down we know we deserve better.


We can become hard on ourselves and we can carry weight that’s not even ours to carry.


If you don’t make a change it will always feel like you at war on the inside meanwhile it’s just your true self screaming to be free!


So today I want to invite you to join my Life Worth Living Challenge!


This program teaches you how to transform your life on the deepest level and the best part?  It’s a 28 day retreat within yourself so you can wake up and create the life that you want!  It’s a program you’ll fall in love with the more you move through it and it's likely the one and only program you'll ever truly need for the rest of your life.


Sign up today for $1111 and save over $12,000!


The past is over and it shaped you into the beautiful, strong, confident, and courageous person you are today.  You should be so proud of that!


You should also be so excited for what’s to come and what you can create for yourself and your family in the future because the power is in your own hands.


This program will teach you how!


So if you are ready to discover what you are truly made of, it’s time to lose the excuses and it’s time to take relentless action starting right now!


When you change yourself first, you change the world around you, so stop letting fear stop you and join me today.


Do it for you!

Sign Up Today and Let’s Get Started!

Change Your Life From the Inside Out!


Get the exact transformation your soul is searching for!


When we take some time to get quiet and go within we are then able to create the life we truly want.


Magic happens when you start to listen to your own inner voice and not the voices of others.  When you follow your own set of rules for your life you are then able to reclaim your personal power and manifest anything you want for your life.

When you stay laser focused and you start to trust and believe that you can achieve your hearts true desires that's when the real fun begins!

If you are ready for true happiness, health, love, incredible relationships, energy, passion, inner peace, joy, abundance, purpose, excitement, fun, and a life that you love waking up to then sign up today.


This is the one program designed specifically to help you achieve success in every area of your life because it helps you master your mindset, and when you master your mindset, you are then able to change your life.

Sign up today and let's get started!

Live Your Life Happy, Healthy, and Free!



This Life Worth Living Program is a 100% spiritual solution to changing your life from the inside out.


If you are willing to get up and do the hard work on yourself and keep going, there’s a pretty good chance your life and your future will be whatever you want it to be because you’ve designed it that way.


This is NOT a weight loss program or fitness challenge, although you can expect to see and feel some incredible results in as little as a week!

This is more of a get your own life back program.  This is all about mindset, motivation, meditation, manifestation, and self-mastery.

If you are ready to rise to the next level, be your best self, live happy, increase your wealth, elevate your spirit, nourish your body, love your life, feel amazing, make a difference and live your life on purpose then sign up today.  

Sign Up Now!

Get Started Today



  • Instant access to the Life Worth Living Challenge - The #1 life transformation program designed specifically to get you operating at a level 10+ in your life.  Includes a 7 day prep week and over 21 lessons and 21 days of high level mastermind coaching with Lindsay where you will gain the top success secrets to authentic happiness, health, inner peace, mental well-being, mind-body connection, high performance habits, high quality relationships, abundance, confidence, self-worth, self-discovery, self-belief, self-mastery, manifesting, meditation, self-love, body acceptance, energy healing, and true personal freedom.  ($11,100 Value)


  •  Daily email from Lindsay keeping you on track, inspired, and supported throughout your 28 day transformation journey. ($2800 Value)


  •  An ongoing weekly email from Lindsay to help you on your self-love and self-discovery journey so that you can rise to that next level of health, happiness, simplicity, love, joy, connection, creativity, purpose, and inner peace.


  • Access to your own private VIP high riser member area (not on Facebook) where you will stay laser focused and committed to your own life transformation.  No distractions!


  • VIP Early Bird Invites to Lindsay's Online Trainings, Events, Meditations and Restorative Yin Yoga Classes


  • Private mobile app to access all of your teachings so you can learn from anywhere in the world.



Ready For More Fun, Excitement, Joy, and Peace?


You are here for a purpose.

You have a huge calling on your life.

You are meant to do something extraordinary.

You are meant for more.

Do you know with your whole heart what that is?

If not, we are going to find out!


During these next 21 days Lindsay will be giving you everything you need to help you achieve the kind of transformation your soul is searching for.

All you need to do is commit and decide that you’re going to join and do whatever it takes.  

Sign Up Right Now

Enrol Today For $1111

  • Rise to the Next Level
  • Be Your Best Self
  • Live Happy
  • Let Go of the Past
  • Love Your Life
  • Nourish Your Body
  • Elevate Your Spirit
  • Deepen Your Faith
  • Feel Amazing
  • Make a Difference
  • Increase Your Wealth
  • Live Your Life on Purpose
  • Find Freedom

Become Who You Were Born To Be!


Have you ever noticed that even the smallest changes in attitude, actions, and behaviours can bring about the biggest changes in your life?

Many believe that life transformation requires hustle, pain, suffering, sacrifice, struggle, and putting others needs above our own but that’s actually a total lie. 

This Life Worth Living Program teaches you how to transform your life on the deepest level and the best part?

It’s a 28 day virtual wellness retreat so you can wake up and create the life that you truly want! 

Join Lindsay in this transformative experience to: 

  •  Find true authentic happiness
  •  Feel your absolute best in your body and be the healthiest you can be
  •  Master your mindset and embrace positive thinking so you can create a life of real joy, connection, meaning, and enthusiasm
  •  Build a solid meditation practice and manifest a life you love by learning the spiritual teachings that actually work
  •  Embrace a more relaxed, stress free, and simple life so you can maintain your sense of inner peace, balance, and vitality throughout your day
  •  Improve your relationships and attract people of excellence into your life
  •  Fall in love with taking care of your self every single day
  •  Enhance your life on every level and increase your excitement and energy levels
  •  Build unshakable self-worth, self-love, and self-confidence
  •  Unlock your purpose in life so you are doing work you absolutely love to do
  •  Discover who you really are and what lights you up on the inside
  •  And SO much more!


This program offers a safe, positive, supportive, and private environment where you will experience a uniquely intimate experience with me where I will provide the support and guidance you really need to transform your life at the highest level. 


Presence, Depth, Trust, Love, and Commitment


Incredible relationships require presence, depth, trust, love, and commitment and that all starts with you!


It’s a feeling and knowing that you are completely seen, heard, validated, accepted, supported, celebrated, loved, cherished, protected, and held.


Without presence, depth, trust, and commitment our relationships become surface level, fake, and exhausting.  We can then get into a very unhealthy pattern of hiding who we truly are, or sacrificing what we truly want or need in order to please others.


When we have a high level of self-respect, self-worth, self-trust, self-love, self-belief, and self-confidence we are able to attract the kind of relationships we truly want and deserve.


Those relationships will always feel fulfilling and like nourishment to our souls!


The intention of this program is to create a safe space for those who feel called on a much deeper level to pursue a life of true meaning, authenticity, excellence, freedom, personal growth, happiness, health, family, faith, purpose, passion, abundance, empowerment, positive energy, confidence, courage, love and joy.


You will leave feeling alive, uplifted, encouraged, supported, energized, unstoppable, and empowered!

Sign Up Now!

Rise and Shine Like The Person You Were Born to Be!

After you have gone through the awakening process and have come home to yourself you wake up and all that you will have in your heart is gratitude and love.

Sure there will be moments of fear, frustration, guilt, grief, sadness, and doubt but you will see the darkness for what it is and reject it.  

You will now know that every thought you think, every word that you speak, and every fear that you have is in fact creating your reality and your future.  

Ultimately you get to choose what it is you are going to create for yourself, your family, your future, and your life.

You will be thankful for your health and the body that you call home.

You will be thankful that you are strong, energetic, confident and at a healthy weight that you feel good at.

You will be thankful that you are pain free and that your body feels amazing.

You will be thankful for the health of all your family members.

You will be thankful for a loving, strong, passionate, and healthy marriage.

You will be thankful for incredible, confident, fun loving friends who are always there for you and who always show up for you on time.

You will be thankful for your purpose and a career that you love and the fact that you are highly paid for all the work that you do in this world.

You will be thankful for time freedom to live life how you want to live it.

You will be thankful that you live in the safest environment and that your children go to the best schools.

You will be thankful for all of the abundance in your life.

You will be thankful for inner peace, love, and joy in your heart.

Most importantly you will be thankful to that loving presence WITHIN you that has never left you and is always leading you to the right place at the right time.

You see when you listen to that voice, trust and believe that voice, it will be THAT voice who will save you and help you.

It’s when we start listening to the voices of everyone else is where we lose our way and get into trouble.  Then our life no longer becomes our own, but rather history repeating itself day after day.

Finding your true self and changing your life won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. 

If you’d like to join me on a journey that keeps getting better and better get your spot today!

It could take 40 years to change your life or it could take 40 days with the right kind of help.  

Either way, I am here to help but you are the one that has to make the first move.  

Sign up today and let’s make the rest of your life the absolute best of your life.




Sign Up Right Now

Real Lasting Results! 


With my help this year here are some of the results you can expect to achieve in your own life...


"I am waking up early and excited every day."


"I am healthy and strong and feel great in my body."


"I feel energized and youthful and I am playing with my kids again."


"I respect my body now.  I now eat healthy and love exercising."


"I am free of all pain, illness, digestion issues, and tension in my body."


"I am now working out at 5am and loving it."


"I have finally healed my relationships with my parents."


"I no longer waste my life away on social media."


"I was finally able to forgive and let go of the past."


"I can finally relax without feeling guilty."


"I stopped needing multiple cups of coffee and energy drinks to get me through the day."


"I no longer care about the scale and accept myself and my body when I look in the mirror."


"I have stopped worrying about what other people think of me."


"I have stopped grieving and I am now living my life happy."


"I feel so fulfilled and happy with the life I have created."


"I have a positive mindset and no longer feel like I am going crazy."


"I overcame my lifelong battle with obesity."


"I have stopped comparing myself to others."


"I am focused on my own life and I am pursuing my own dreams and goals."


"I now sleep great through the night."


"My marriage is strong, and filled with love, mutual respect, open communication, fun, and passion."


"I have amazing connection with my children and we spend quality time together."


"I rebuilt my life after I lost everything."


"I am now able to receive love and let other people get close to me." 


"I left the corporate world and am now building the business of my dreams."


"My home is always clean, clutter free, relaxing, and peaceful."


"I was able to move across the country and move into my dream home on the ocean."


"My relationships are authentic and I have incredible people in my life who support me and who are always there for me."


"I am putting myself and my own family first for once."


"I found the love of my life."


"I feel like an incredible mom now."


"I am no longer a workaholic."


"I eared my first million dollars."


"I had the courage to get rid of toxic people in my life."


"I always show up on time now and never feel rushed.”


"I am now so thankful for everything I have gone through in my life."


"I have found my purpose in life.  I am doing work I absolutely love and I am highly paid for what I do."


"I am free of all addictions and unhealthy habits that once had a strong hold of me."


"I am drug free."


"I no longer abuse my body with cigarettes and alcohol."


"I no longer feel stressed and I am free of all anxiety attacks, and depression."


"My business is thriving and I am a much better leader."


"I found my voice again."



"I am doing better than ever before."


"I no longer have an eating disorder."


"My finances are the best they have ever been and my income is constantly increasing."


"I am completely debt free and can afford anything I want."


"I have more time to be with my family and to do the things I want to."


"I finally got my own life back."


"I am calm, relaxed and full of inner peace."


"I am free of all the guilt and shame I have carried over the years and have finally forgiven myself."


"I feel safe and supported in my life and I am no longer fearful or scared to be alone."


"I am more confident and secure in my life."


"I have healed my relationship with my sister."


"I know who I am and finally have trust and belief in myself."


"I am living my life on purpose."


"I have faith in something so much bigger than myself."


"I truly love and accept myself. I am proud of the woman I see in the mirror."


"I now feel worthy and deserving of good things in my life."


"I am so organized and my life flows beautifully without the need to control or obsess over everything."


"I am excited for the future."


“I finally have my spark back.”


"I only attract excellent people and incredible opportunities into my life."


"I am living my life in the present moment."


"I have set solid boundaries for myself and no longer people please."


"I am unapologetic about my wants and needs and no longer self-sabotage my own success."


"I have so much clarity in my life and can't wait to see what my future holds."


"I am laughing and having fun now."


"I am constantly challenging myself to try new things and get outside of my comfort zones."


"I am finally happy and in love with my life."


"I have so much gratitude and joy in my heart."


"I feel fully alive."



By working hard on yourself and getting the help you truly need to transform your life you too could be your own success story. 


Get your spot today and let's get started!



 **Please note that some of these results come from many rounds of this challenge and years of ongoing coaching support, dedication, commitment, consistency, effort, and personal development.**

Who Is This Program For?


I know you are reading this because you want something MORE for your life. 

Maybe you have a deep desire to be happier, have more energy, or to optimize your health.

Maybe you want to lose some extra weight or sculpt your dream body.

Maybe you want more passion in your marriage.

Maybe you want friends that you can truly be yourself around.

Maybe you want relaxing mornings, and more time to be with your family.

Maybe you want to build a dream business and do work you absolutely love.

Maybe you want more fun and more time to enjoy your life.

Maybe you want to live near the ocean or mountains.

Maybe you want a new home a pool, a heated garage, a baby, a new puppy, a beautiful lake house you can spend your weekends or summers at, a boat, and a brand new top of the line vehicle.

Maybe you want to send your kids to a great school or pay for their dream wedding in full without having to stress about how much things cost.

Maybe you want to take that ultimate trip to Hawaii for your next birthday.

Maybe you want to earn more money and have financial security.

Maybe you want true love, joy, and inner peace.

Maybe you want it all!

Whatever it is for you, know that I can help you reach that next level.

In the realm of spirit you must know this...

Whatever it is you want or desire, it's actual proof that you can make it happen.  That's because that dream would have never been planted in your heart if it wasn't possible for you to make it come to life!

In order to live the life of your dreams you have to be a person of excellence in everything you do and always be willing to help others rise.

Success comes from having a strong mindset and being a positive person of excellence and figuring out who you truly are.

By devoting just 1 hour a day into learning and figuring yourself out, you can absolutely make any dream happen in 5 years or less and the return on that investment is HUGE because those are the people who are truly happy, healthy, and in love with their life.


They can live where they want, buy what they want, do what they want, show up when they want, wear what they want, say what they want to, and spend their time and money however they want to because they’ve done the hard work on themselves.


You need a plan of action though, and a very specific goal.  I have the plan of action and I know for a fact it works and it will lead you to the very thing you're wanting most in your life.


If you are truly ready to transform your life then I invite you to join my Life Worth Living Challenge today!


Once you know exactly what to do, and you know what it is you truly want, you can make it happen!  If you are willing to get up and do the hard work on yourself and never quit, there’s a pretty good chance your life and your future will be whatever the heck you want it to be because you’ve designed it that way.


Sign Up Right Now

Freedom, Happiness, Health and Inner Peace Starts Here!

There is a next level and there is a way to create anything you want for you and your family but you need the strategy, you need a mentor, and you need to learn what to do. Unfortunately for many highly successful people they think that working harder and doing more will get them to where they want to be, but that's a lie. That’s because if someone has limiting beliefs or deep rooted issues that are unconscious to them they can work forever and still not achieve the level of success they truly deserve.
So today I am inviting you to join me in my Life Worth Living program so I can spend the next 21 days with you teaching you exactly what you really need to know so you can achieve authentic happiness, health, and personal freedom.
If you follow the plan, dig deeper into truly figuring yourself out, remain consistent with it long after the initial 21 days and continue to work hard and believe in yourself there is a pretty good chance that you will also achieve more happiness, more joy, more peace, more time with your family, more love, more fun, more purpose, more excitement, more connection, more simplicity, more safety, more security, and more abundance too.
Sign Up Right Now

Together, Let's Rise!





The Guarantee

I guarantee that there is greatness inside of you. I also guarantee that you have this little voice from within that is whispering to you that there must be more to life and that you've got what it takes!

Changing your life is hard work and everyones journey is different and unique.  So while I can't guarantee that you will get up and do the work necessary and required in order to get results and to change your life, I do guarantee that I will show up to the best of my ability and help lead and guide you through this program.  I also guarantee that I will be sharing the best of my teachings in this program and I will be sharing what has truly helped me find lasting health, authentic happiness, unconditional love, purpose, and inner peace.

Due to the custom nature of this program, all sales are final.  No refunds for any reason at any time.  Please be absolutely sure of your selections at the time of ordering.


For full terms and conditions visit www.lindsayrose.ca/terms


DISCLAIMER: My coaching programs are intended to help motivate, and inspire you to make some positive changes in your life.  I am simply sharing my experience with you, as I believe I can help give you a little perspective to get you unstuck, and on the path to living your best life.

Changing your life takes hard work.  It requires consistent effort, and I cannot guarantee that by taking this course you will take my advice and change your life.   As stipulated by law, I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or change your life with my ideas, information, tools, downloads, or strategies.  I do not know you,  and your results in your life are up to you.  I just want to help you by giving great content, perspective, and strategies, that worked well in my life.

You should know that all products and services offered by my company are for educational and informational purposes only.  Nothing on my website, or in my courses, or any other content, curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results.

I do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.  Making decisions or changes based on any information presented in my products or services or website, should be done only with the knowledge I can't guarantee how hard you will work on yourself.  Always consult your own professional advisor before acting on a lifestyle change in your life.

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold anyone liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.  I will always hold myself to an incredibly high standard of integrity, speaking from my heart, being open, honesty and speaking my truth.  



This website’s content should not be considered as a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis.  Always consult and get clearance from your physician or health care provider.

The information contained here is not intended to provide physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever and should not be relied upon in that regard. I am not a medical professional, and nothing on this website should be construed otherwise.

If you choose to participate, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such activities.  My advice, whether it be on social media, in my courses, books, my website, live videos, or via email, is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning ANY program, with no exceptions. Your participation in using my programs and coaching is at your own risk, and I am not responsible for any injuries, including death, or health problems you may experience due to using my programs.  It is to be made clear that I am not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death due to using any of my products or services.


I cannot guarantee any specific results and results may vary regardless of how closely you follow my products and services.  Although I expect positive results for those that implement the products and services from me correctly, it must be disclaimed that even when consumers implement any products or services in full from me, they may still not get the results they may have expected.



All the transformations and testimonials were submitted by free will and are real.  Images have been changed to protect and be respectful of personal identity.  No testimonials will be shared without written consent and authorization first.  However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results or any type of guarantee. They are meant to showcase what the most motivated and dedicated people have achieved by following my coaching and programs. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results compared to someone else when using my services due to differences in your personal history, genetics, lifestyle, motivation, mindset, and dedication. The results you get will depend upon the individual and the effort put in.

Questions? Please email me at [email protected]