How To Protect Your Positive Energy
Nov 25, 2024
Every day is an opportunity to stay centered and connected to the loving presence that you are. But sometimes when we are going about our day or simply living our life, we encounter individuals or even family members who don’t have the same energy levels as we do, or they are completely unconscious or downright negative, anxious, fearful, or rude. Learning to protect your own energy levels so you are still continuing to bring peace and joy to the world is key.
When someone with heightened positive energy levels is around someone who isn’t aware of how their own energy could be contaminating others around them, the one who is highly sensitive and operating at a higher level or energy can become affected and if they are not careful can allow how other people are thinking, speaking, and feeling to affect them personally. They may even find themselves feeling anxious, fearful, worried, or even angry and frustrated.
But here is where presence and staying connecting will be your greatest super power, for nothing outside of yourself, and no other individual can ever make you feel inferior or bad without your own consent. Staying present and staying true to who you are will be what protects you the most while in these situations.
Sometimes we can’t avoid spending time with people, or family members, especially around the holidays. Some people have parents that they have absolutely no connection with because they are always so negative or are constantly complaining about their problems, so here is where you’re going to learn how to shield and protect yourself from negative energy that comes your way.
1. Mentally prepare yourself for what’s to come and visualize the success you want. If you’re about to engage with certain individuals or certain family members who drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted and you can’t avoid the situation, then mental preparation is key. Get yourself ready and feeling your absolute best and then say a pray in advance. Use your energy to go before you and say a prayer to help you remain focused on the desired outcome. Understand that you cannot change people, but you can change your energy levels, and you can change how you see the encounter. My prayer usually goes something like this. “Dear God, I ask you go to before me and make this encounter as smooth and as easy as possible. I ask you to fill this space with love and that you guide my actions and words so that I remain centered and calm. Thank you in advance for making this as enjoyable as possible, and for making it a short and sweet encounter. Amen.” If there are other individuals involved who I love dearly or I am feeling a little apprehensive about any situation, then I will ask for protection and give thanks for that too.
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Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life
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Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward
High Level Leadership - 101 Days of Rising Happy, Healthy, and Free to Serve a Greater Good
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