Healing Low Back Pain

Dec 10, 2023


You might have heard the term "use them before you lose them"... and by this I'm talking about work benefits.


So many people aspire to get a good paying job just for the benefits, but often times they are so busy that they don't even have time to use them, or going to the therapist is just another thing on their to do list...


So they never go.


When you look at it, $500 bucks for massage benefits really doesn't go that far since a glorious day at a luxury spa would cost way more than that, but sadly most people don't make time for the spa either.


So you might be thinking is it even worth it to slug away for someone else just for the sake of a "free" teeth cleaning every 9 months? 


Well I can tell you for some people yes...

But for many they will use up all their benefits and then be left scrambling without any answers, and worse, will be sacrificing their health, their family, and their quality of life at a job they hate and still have pain in their body.


Today I want to just shed some light onto how you can heal yourself naturally without needing an employer to pay for it!


If you’ve ever had debilitating low back pain, or sciatica pain then you will know how painful that can be.


You will have tried the doctor, pain killers, acupuncture, massage, chiropractors, physio, hot and cold packs and you might have gone for an MRI too.



Your doctor might have said that you’ve got weak abdominals, need to lose weight, or have a pinched nerve, a slipped disc problem, or maybe even something else, but here’s a secret that you might not know.



There’s a way to heal naturally and that is going to involve you sitting alone with yourself and digging deeper into what could be really causing the problem.  To be honest it's a lot cheaper and a lot less time consuming than going to appointments.



Your low back and hips specifically is where we store our emotional trauma.  If you have any negative energy or emotions that have been lingering within they surely will manifest as some sort of physical pain eventually.  If you are carrying any type of judgement, hate, jealousy, criticism, grief or anger that will also produce physical pain in your body.



Often those with chronic low back pain or sciatica pain also have a fear revolving around money and might have some sort of weight problem or eating disorder.



They might also have a fear of not having enough or have suffered a trauma in their life like their parents separating, a loss of a mother, divorce, bankruptcy, abuse, an insecurity about themselves or how they look, a fractured relationship with a sister, or even a deep rooted rejection wound that has to do with their mother.



They might also be rejecting themselves or feeling as if they need to prove themselves to the world, or have a deep desire to make someone else proud.



On a deeper level they might even feel unsupported by others or the world, and are feeling all alone.




Ultimately you must learn that your safety and support must come from within.  You must learn confidence, self-worth and an unwavering trust and belief in yourself.



The energy we carry within is everything, and that energy must be positive.  Not too many people realize how our past can impact our whole life and cause pain in our bodies.  Until we go back and heal and learn to love ourselves unconditionally we can't move forward or create the life we know deep down we truly deserve.



These are just a few examples because a doctor won't tell you this stuff.  Usually doctors will just book you a specialist appointment and send you out the door with more drugs.  



So before you turn to drugs or the doom and gloom of living a life of pain for the rest of your life, lay on the floor and turn inward.



You can begin by asking the pain what it’s there to teach you.  You’ll hear the answers and that’s when you can become your own hero.  To dissolve any pain and darkness you must shine light onto it.  



When you shine light onto it, face your fears, heal yourself and cry and release any tears that you need to, you will find your pain also subsides when you return back to your natural state of love and only love.



The process of inner healing and working through any pain of the past can take some time.  This work isn't for the faint of heart because often times the heart needs to be shattered to pieces before it can soften and return back to love and wholeness.



Go easy on yourself.  Be sure to be patient with yourself as you are doing this work and be proud of yourself.  With enough time and patiences you will get to the root cause of your suffering and pain and it will be removed from your life and body completely.



If you haven't already done so, be sure to sign up here  if you're truly ready to find true authentic happiness, health, and inner peace.  Let's dive deeper into your life transformation.  This is a 28 day step-by-step life transformation program designed specifically to help you transform your life from the inside out!  This is not a weight loss program, fitness challenge, or a quick fix program.  This is a spiritual solution to getting your own life back and truly living YOUR life happy, healthy, and free!



Next, order my book Wake Up and Live.  It would be a beautiful starting place if you want to do more of the deep inner work to heal and change your life.






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If you spend time on social media, you may have found yourself comparing your own life to your friends, family, total strangers, and celebrities. 

You might find yourself feeling less than, struggling with feelings of unworthiness and your confidence, and health can be in the gutter.  

Let's get you refocused on what’s important in your own life.
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