Healthy people think differently

anxiety and depression healthy lifestyle healthy lifestyle change mommy makeover spiritual awakening spiritual quotes Feb 04, 2022

Healthy people think and speak differently. Even long before they see what they want to see manifest in their life.

✨The truth is, someone who is overweight, out of shape, miserable, angry, outraged, anxious, depressed, addicted, broken, or broke did NOT create their current reality speaking LOVE over their life.

They created a nightmare, passed it around, contaminated the world, or are still living a nightmare and the only way to overcome that is to change your mind, thoughts, behaviours, and actions from the INSIDE out first.

Only you are responsible for the thoughts you think, so don’t be like most people who are stuck in fear, hate, and reject themselves. You are a beautiful and unique masterpiece created by God and when you insult the "product" you are also including the one who created you.

So what's the difference between success and failure?  Well successful people feel amazing simply because they are aligned with their true source and are not at war with themselves.  Successful people think differently and they fill their minds and thoughts with what they are, and what they intend to create for themselves.


They affirm things like...

I AM healthy
I AM strong
I AM beautiful
IAM unique
I AM worthy
I AM confident
I love my body
My body loves me
I AM at a perfect weight
Excess weight just melts off of me
I AM long, lean, and sculpted
I can eat without stress
I AM never bloated
My bowels work perfectly
My skin is flawless
I feel so good
I AM energized
I AM always healthy.
My family is always healthy.
I always respect my body
I only eat wholesome foods
I love my breath
I love my life
I AM perfect health
I AM free
I love drinking water
I sleep like a rock at night
There is nothing wrong with me
I AM safe
I AM supported
I AM secure
I AM love
I have amazing friends
Everyone in my life loves me and I love them
I AM connected
I AM empowered
I have no pain
My mind is clear
I AM focused
I AM so organized
I always arrive on time
I AM sexy
I AM confident
I AM present
I AM capable
I AM happy
I can eat whatever I want
I AM courageous
I AM wealthy
I AM prosperous
I AM fulfilled
I AM fearless
I AM flexible
I AM fun loving
I AM funny
I AM absolutely stunning
I AM alive
I AM blessed
I AM victorious
I AM healed
I AM whole
In this moment I AM perfect

What you think, speak, and believe will in fact become your reality and a self-fulfilling prophesy, so take a look around at what you have created for your life.  Generally speaking those who fear getting sick, or getting fat will in fact continue to produce such results in their life because they are focused on what they don't want to have happen.  

Focus on what you do what for your life and see if that works.  100% guarantee that it will.  

Recommended Life Transformation Programs:

Live Worth Living - Wake Up and Live Your Life Happy, Healthy and Free.



Additional Reads:

Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life

Rise and Shine - 101 Days to a Happier You

Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward



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