Trust the Unfolding of Your Life
Jan 17, 2025
How much of your day do you spend thinking about what happened yesterday or last week?
How much time do you spend obsessing over what could go wrong instead of focusing on what could go right?
How much time do you spend focusing on what you don’t have, versus what you do?
You see, how you focus your energy, and what you think about will be what comes into your life. Ultimately you always want to be focusing on the positive, beautiful, and abundant things in your life.
Life can sometimes knock you down and your confidence and self-worth can take a hit, but only if you allow that to happen. It can be a complete disaster at times, but if you are knocked down, just know that staying down is an option. Sometimes we need those challenges, failures, and setbacks to help us to grow and become a better version of ourselves. In fact, it’s those failures and defeats that truly help us to discover who we truly are and make us even more brilliant.
Choose to be a student of your own life and use everything to your advantage, for you are always being prepared for where God is taking you.
Remember that you are so strong and regardless of what happens, there is a part of you that will always get back up and refuses to quit. That’s admirable, that’s perseverance, that’s courage, that’s strength, that’s faith, that’s hope, that’s belief, that’s life, and that is God… Who is within, who will never leave you, and who is working all things out for your good. That is absolutely beautiful, isn’t it? Trust the unfolding of your life, for you can try to control it, or you can simply go with the flow and see where life takes you.
Are you in the Life Worth Living Challenge yet?
If not, get signed up today.
Imagine waking up each day feeling happy, energized, fulfilled, and in total control of your life and how you spend your time.
Imagine having a calm and serene mindset and a home where you are at total peace with yourself, your life, and the people around you.
Does that sound like a dream?
Well, it doesn’t have to be.
My Life Worth Living Challenge is designed to help you achieve just that.
This program is not just about learning, but about transforming. It’s about taking control of your life, setting and achieving your goals, and becoming the best version of yourself... and the results are absolutely stunning and life changing!
Here’s what you can expect to achieve:
Happiness: Learn the secrets to maintaining a positive outlook and cultivating joy in your daily life.
Health: Discover how to take care of your physical well-being and develop habits that promote a healthy lifestyle.
Personal Growth: Uncover your hidden potential and become the best version of yourself.
Confidence: Build the self-assurance and self-worth to tackle any challenge that comes your way.
Fulfillment: Find your purpose and learn how to live a life that aligns with it.
Self-Love and Self-Discovery: Learn to listen to your own inner voice of greatness so you are living your life happy, healthy, and free.
This is a unique 28 day life changing experience that actually works, so get started today!
Go to to sign up.
Recommended Life Transformation Programs and Products:
Life Changing Affirmations - Download Now
Prayer Promises - Add These 30 Prayers to Your Morning
Additional Reads:
Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life
Rise and Shine - 101 Days to a Happier You
Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward
High Level Leadership - Levelling Up to Meet Your Highest Self
Join the Life Worth Living Challenge Today!
Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.
This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.