Your Gifts To The World
Jan 08, 2025
Imagine your dream, create your happiness, live your life. I don't have any fancy diplomas on my wall, or letters behind my name except MOM. I knew in my heart and soul that I was meant for great things, and I never let not having letters behind my name stop me from achieving success or living the life of my dreams.
I'd encourage you to do the same. Trust me when I say you are fully equipped. You're locked and loaded with your purpose inside of you. You are a Divine being, a gift to the world and you must not let your gifts and talents go to good waste.
Those gifts are not wrapped in pretty paper or ribbons and bows. Those gifts that you carry come in the form of rejection, disappointments, unmet expectations, defeat, struggles, challenges, sickness, grief, trauma, attack, judgement, addiction, setbacks and failures.
Those gifts are your greatest blessings to the world, and you must not let that pain, suffering, and wisdom go to good waste. Sadly, most will. They will soon become victims of their past or current life circumstances, but not you. Not ever.
Those gifts you carry are too precious to leave sitting there in the dark unopened. You must shine light onto that darkness and uncover the true beauty for what they really are. True transformation from the highest space requires you to transcend all that no longer serves you out of your physical space, and you must create a new version of yourself if you want a new life.
I challenge you to think bigger about your life and your contribution to the world today. There are 5 things you must know on your journey towards living the life of your dreams and truly transforming your life from the inside out.
Relentless. There is a relentless voice of action. A whisper deep within that never quiets. You must take inspired action knowing that the voice of your higher self won't stop until you are fully aligned with the truth of who you really are.
Redirection. You may be making moves forward, trying this only to realize you may encounter dead ends, and come to find that what you tried didn't work. Trust that this is still part of your journey. Keep going and keep listening to that relentless voice that will inspire you to try new things. Know that each redirection is setting you on your path towards your true destiny. Don't hate failure or defeat, for it's necessary for growth, and there is no such thing as failure.
Rest and Recovery. If you're going to achieve big things in your life, you need to prioritize your health. Optimizing your health is critical to success, for you'll never achieve great things with failing health. Burnout, obesity, and stress doesn't just magically happen. It’s the result of self-neglect, so prioritizing rest, recovery, proper nutrition, movement, meditation, and hydration is key.
Roadblock. It will always get worse before it gets better, and just when you think you've had enough and the worst is over, the universe will conspire against you to hand you more to test you to see how badly you really want it! Listen to that voice that's guiding you to push through. It will be the same voice that told you to rest and slow down too. Trust me, you'll know when to listen.
Rejoice. It's a feeling that's hard to explain, but when you've come out on the other side, it will all make perfect sense. You will love everything about the journey. You will likely have tears in your eyes, and only love in your heart for the good, the bad, the really bad, and the ugly. You'll come to know that what you were trying to get or achieve wasn't what you were really after.
You will come to realize that what you really wanted was true alignment, wholeness, fulfilment and joy. When you’ve come out of the darkness, and you've reached the top of the mountain, it’s simply a blissful feeling you feel in your heart, and because you made it, you’re just so full of love, gratitude, and can see only beauty. You are now fully complete, knowing that whatever comes your way as a result of you not needing or wanting anything outside of yourself will simply be the cherry on top.
My greatest wish for you is that you will wake up and choose to live your life. That you do this deep inner work of finding your true authentic source of greatness, so that you can wake up and truly live your life. Happy, healthy, free, and fully aligned with the truth of who you really are!
List out your gifts to the world. Do you have any voices of inspiration that whisper to you to take action? If so, write down anything that comes to mind. Can you take an action step forward to making your dreams come true? If so, what will you do?
Join Lindsay’s Life Worth Living Challenge Today by Clicking Here!
This Life Worth Living Program is a 100% spiritual solution to changing your life from the inside out. If you are willing to get up and do the hard work on yourself and keep going, there’s a pretty good chance your life and your future will be whatever you want it to be because you’ve designed it that way.
Recommended Life Transformation Programs and Products:
Life Changing Affirmations - Download Now
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Additional Reads:
Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life
Rise and Shine - 101 Days to a Happier You
Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward
High Level Leadership - Levelling Up to Meet Your Highest Self
Join the Life Worth Living Challenge Today!
Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.
This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.