Getting Real With Yourself
Jan 12, 2025
There comes a time in every grown woman’s life where she asks herself these questions:
What do I want for my life?
What would a perfect day look like?
What would a perfect day feel like?
Why am I still doing this if it doesn’t make me happy?
What’s the point if I am always so busy, to not even enjoy the little things in life?
What must I do to make this life of mine exactly how I want it to be?
Then that one day comes where she turns inward, makes up her mind, and then gets busy creating the kind of life she wants. Not the life in which she was conditioned to, or believed she had to live to make others happy, but rather, a life all her own. A life she loves to wake up to. A life that makes sense to her. A life of meaning and contribution, and that feels good within despite what the critics think. A life of freedom, health, vitality, peace, creativity, serenity, success, abundance, happiness, and joy.
That’s something every woman should wake up to work towards don’t you think?
The first step to any real transformation is getting real with yourself, then focusing all your time, energy, resources, and money on building the new self, not fighting the old self. The old self needs to be honoured, cherished, respected, loved, and let go of, and then you must recreate yourself into someone new.
Yes, it’s going to take some time, and it will take some work and dedication to yourself, but at least while you’re working towards a version of yourself that truly excites you, you’ll feel alive and have enthusiasm for each new day that you’re blessed with.
You’ve got what you need already locked up inside of you and that one thing is your own wild imagination for it gives you the ability to dream and create anything you want. All you must do is be courageous and confident enough to listen to your own heart and soul.
It is true what they say that home really is where the heart is, and the hardest part is listening to yourself, believing it's possible, trusting in your higher power, and then backing it up with inspired action.
So today, think about what you really want for your life. Write whatever comes to mind without judgement and get the wheels turning again about something that is going to really excite you about your own life. Something you know to be true and something you can already see and visualize when you close your eyes.
Today is a wonderful day. A day you have never experienced before. A day filled with exciting new adventures, wonderful new connections, and incredible opportunities.
Live it fully, cherish every moment and let God lead the way for if you can see it, and you can believe it, it's already yours.
Recommended Life Transformation Programs and Products:
Life Changing Affirmations - Download Now
Prayer Promises - Add These 30 Prayers to Your Morning
Additional Reads:
Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life
Rise and Shine - 101 Days to a Happier You
Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward
High Level Leadership - Levelling Up to Meet Your Highest Self
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