Fill Your Cup Up
Jan 18, 2025
What does it mean to fill your cup up?
We are taught from a very young age that we can’t pour from an empty cup. But what does filling your cup look like? Does it mean you get up and workout? Does it mean that you pour yourself a hot cup of coffee first? Or does it mean something deeper, and something more magical.
I believe that it’s something more magical than just taking care of yourself by moving your body and getting yourself a hot cup of coffee.
Imagine yourself a vessel of pure love.
Imagine that your body has been emptied out of all fear, sadness, guilt, regret, shame, anger, grief, hate, worry, stress, anxiety, condemnation, judgement, and doubt.
Now imagine yourself laying there and you get to fill yourself up with anything you want. But it’s not just you that’s pouring into you, it’s a Source greater than yourself that is filling you up so full that you’re overflowing with something that can’t be bought or earned, but it is freely given.
Imagine yourself laying there on the floor and a bright golden light is hovering above your head. Know that this light is so powerful and pure that you can fill yourself up with anything that you want and that all of you need to do is receive it. Receive it with open arms and allow it to flow into every ounce of your body.
Would you fill yourself up with health?
Would you fill yourself up with peace, love, kindness, compassion?
Would you fill yourself up with riches?
Would you fill yourself up with faith?
Would you fill yourself up with strength?
What about creative ideas and expressions?
Would you fill yourself up with a vision greater than what you see right now?
Would you fill yourself up with beauty?
Would you fill yourself up with rest and total relaxation?
You see, whatever you choose to fill yourself up with will ultimately become your life.
So today close your eyes, open up your hands and simply receive. Allow yourself to be washed with an unconditional love, knowing, and truth that will set you free.
Breathe slowly. Breathe deeply as this is your life and it’s your one and only job to fill yourself up so full that you overflow this love onto everyone you meet.
May God bless every ounce of your life and body and may you be able to receive it without thinking you need to do more or be more than who you are right now.
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