10 Ways to Elevate Your Spirit This Month
Nov 01, 2024
Before I wrote all of my books and created my Life Worth Living program, I was notorious for taking care of everyone else, but myself. I can also say that I didn't really understand or grasp what true self love meant. Surely I did not have that yet and I was very disconnected from who I really was.
I believed it was up to me to be the “strong one” and fix everything, and often times I neglected my own health, especially my need for rest because I was so busy taking care of everything else.
Because I held it all together perfectly on the outside, I rarely asked for help, never expressed my own needs, went to work sick, kept pushing, and people just assumed I had it all together. Meanwhile I was a mess on the inside, and it showed in various areas of my life. Particularly in my relationships with others. I often felt alone, like I didn’t matter, and like I had no one who truly understood who I was.
I wasn’t listening to my body, I was ignoring pain, and I surely wasn’t honouring my own needs as a grown woman. Despite my best effort, I always felt like I was running out of time, and there was always this voice inside my head that constantly told me to keep pushing, or to work harder. If I did rest, I often felt lazy or that I wasn’t doing enough.
There was no fun in my life, and no rest.
I was completely burnt out until I decided to stop everything I was doing and really figure out who I was instead of all the busy roles I was playing. That’s when I wrote my Wake Up and Live Book. Writing that book and doing the work within myself gave me my own life back and gave my kids a mom they truly deserved.
What I learned along my own journey is that you can still be an excellent person, and say no. I learned that it’s not your job to try harder, fix everything, save the world, keep everyone happy, do more, take care of everyone else, be the strong one, and always be your best because let’s face it... That’s fucking exhausting.
Your only job is to wake up and live your life happy, healthy, and free. If any of this spoke to you, then I invite you to join me in my Life Worth Living Challenge, but on top of that, it’s a brand new month and I wanted to share with you some things you can do today, or tomorrow, or this week so you’re feeling your best and being the most joyful at home.
1. Rest and give yourself the space you really need. This means being completely honest with your loved ones and expressing what you are truly feeling and communicate your needs openly with those you love. When we become too tired, too stressed, too busy, we can often become too emotional, and our emotions can end up controlling our entire life and self-sabotaging our success. Instead of having a bad day or just feeling off for a brief moment in time, we assume we are not happy or that something is wrong with us, when in fact we just aren’t honouring and taking care of ourselves the way we truly deserve. So full permission to take a day, call in sick, stay in bed, book a mini vacation alone, spend a few days at the spa, and just tell everyone to fuck off if need be. I know this might sound harsh, but you have to take care of yourself and protect your own life for no one else will do this for you. If you have solid personal boundaries in place, those who truly love you will fully respect and appreciate your needs and boundaries and do what they can to support you, because those who truly love you, simply want you to be happy and be at your best. Take the time you need.
2. Clean and declutter your house. This might sound so simple but having a clean, bright, organized, and clutter free environment is everything when it comes to focus, serenity, peace, mental wellness, and tranquility. Spend some time each day ensuring your house is clean or hire a house cleaner if you're too busy with other things. Ensure surface mess is cleaned up and you feel relaxed at home. Your home is your sanctuary and less is always more. The less stuff you have, the more time you can spend doing what you truly love to do.
3. Read or listen to a book that you are interested in or that will help you improve your life. There are many hidden nuggets in books from very successful people. If you don’t know something, learn it. If you're struggling with something, head to the self-help section and learn more. Often times the books we need are placed in our life when we need them and I guarantee you can always find the answers in a book somewhere. Don’t take advice from others as to what books you should read. Simply go to the bookstore or go online and find what you personally love and what speaks to you.
4. Exercise. Moving your body is so good for your soul. Try something new and different and if you don’t feel like working out or you’re tired, honour your body and do nothing. Try yin yoga, or simply put on some music and do what you feel is right and best for you and your body. Trust me, your body knows what to do.
5. Have sex. You have needs. Your spouse has needs. Go have a fun quickie in the bathroom. Sexual energy is a thing and releasing that energy is also a thing and is tied to your sacral chakra. Also read my blog post about balancing your sacral chakra. Don't have a spouse? Cool, you don't need one. Go buy yourself a good vibrator.
6. Play hooky. The definition of playing hooky is to stay away from school or work without permission. That’s right. Pick a day and just go have fun with yourself and your child who might need some quality 1:1 time with you. Go for lunch at your favourite sushi restaurant, go shopping, treat yourself to some new perfume, go eat your favourite ice-cream cone, treat your child to a little shopping spree, and enjoy your life. You deserve it, and you’re worth it, and know that nothing is too much or too expensive for you. In fact, go by what you want and don't look at how much it costs. That's even more fun! One day you’ll be dead, so don’t take yourself, your life, or your job too seriously. You work hard. You play hard. You’re allowed to unfollow the rules and spend some quality time with the people you love on a school day or workday.. No permission slip needed okay.
7. Do what you love. That’s right, do only the things you love and enjoy, for there are hidden clues as to what your true purpose in life really is. Forget about trying to figure out how to make money. Making money is easy. Doing what you love and having time to enjoy your life is the real treasure. Focus on doing something you love and let your heart lead the way.
8. Shut your phone off. Stay off social media unless it serves a purpose. Don’t answer texts. Don’t respond to emails and unplug. Trust me, you won’t be missing much, and the world will go on without you.
9. Rearrange some furniture and update your space. Is there anything better than a clean organized house, a nice smelling candle, some new hand soap, fresh towels, all the halloween decorations put away, and rearranging your space for some new inspiration and a change of scenery? Nope. Nothing better.
10. Order take-out and skip all the dishes. Give yourself a break and order in your favourite food. Complimented with your favourite glass of red wine. No need to count calories, track, or obsess over how much. This is called enjoy your freaking life and be happy.
The end.
Join the Life Worth Living Challenge Today!
Join Lindsay for the ultimate life transformation experience.
This is an in-depth 28 day program where you can learn how to transform your life from the inside out and get the results you are truly seeking.