My Why

addiction anxiety and depression entrepenuership grief healing leadership overcoming anxiety Jun 19, 2022

I sit here thinking about my why.


Why do I keep going?


Why am I doing this challenge? 


Why am I constantly showing up every single day?


Who am I doing this for? 


Why is this is important to me? 


What is the point of it all? 


Well I can tell you that for many years I had superficial goals. 


I can tell you that my why was shallow and not very deep and meaningful at times. 


I can tell you that there were times my why was disconnected and was more about proving myself to others or pleasing others than it was about pleasing myself.


I can tell you that as I go through my journey through life I have shown up many times to lose weight or to see a smaller number on the scale.


I have shown up for a better body and ripped abs. 


I have shown up for more money, more credentials, or a better sounding job title. 


I have shown up for a business. 


I have shown up for my kids. 


I have shown up for my husband. 


I have shown up for my ex husband.


I have shown up for my parents.


I have show up for everyone else it seemed but when it came to showing up for myself I always seemed to come in last place.


In some twisted way I thought that if I was doing it for others that it would keep me going, and sure, I succeeded in all of my attempts to make things happen in my life, but looking back there was still an empty and unfulfilled part of myself that needed some filling.


I had it all backwards and I was still putting myself and my own needs last and always showing up for things or people outside of myself.


✨So here I am knowing who I am, and doing this for me and no one else.


My why is selfishly for me. 




Because I now know that

God always wants to be first place in your life.  Since God is WITHIN each and every person, what that essentially means is that you must come first.  Otherwise you serve no one.


Anytime I put others needs above my own needs it didn’t make me very happy and I surely wasn’t healthy or any fun to be around.


So MY WHY is simple.


It’s proving that tiny little whisper from within right.


It’s making myself proud every single day.


It’s living a life on my own terms and a life that is full of purpose and passion.


It’s waking up with joy, excitement, and anticipation knowing that each day is different from the last.


It’s creating something of my very own and something that truly matters. 


It’s putting real love and magic into this world. 


It’s seeing how much I can accomplish in this lifetime.


It’s living with no regrets and making my own dreams come true.


It’s ensuring I am the happiest and healthiest version of myself that I can be because I’m damn worth it and I’ve done the hard work to truly love myself.


It’s being excited and happy about the future and what’s to come.


It’s being so thankful for the right here, and the right now.


It’s my connection to myself and something greater than myself. 


It’s about putting my own oxygen mask on first and being my own hero as I take wild leaps of faith into the unknown and conquer mountains with courage and grace.


My why takes me back to my roots.


✨I was given a life.  A big beautiful life, and I came from a mother who was told she could never have children.


It hasn’t always been an easy life, and there were times where I can look back and see that I was living someone else’s life and not my very own.


So from here on out  and I’m going to make sure it’s the best life, and that starts right here, right now in the present moment.

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