What I'd Do All Over Again to Become My Happiest and Healthiest Self

breast augmentation breast explant surgery breast implant illness chakra alignment healthy lifestyle change inner child healing inner peace life transformation meditation mental health awareness yin yoga yoga and meditation Sep 01, 2024

Today while mindlessly putting some laundry away I noticed that what I was thinking about was something that happened in the past.  I can't remember now what it was I was thinking about, I just know that it didn't serve me.  So I brought myself back to the present moment and focused at the task at hand.  


Our life is created by the thoughts we think and our awareness in the present moment.  This is why it's so important to remain connected and present with yourself.  Otherwise history just repeats itself and you end up experiencing the same things over and over again. 


So today I wanted to share in detail what I'd do all over again if I were to become my happiest and healthiest self.


1.  I’d stop being so busy and spend good quality time sitting alone with myself so I could rewire my subconscious mind so that my life could be a whole lot easier and enjoyable.  We all have a conscious and a subconscious mind.  Most people are unconscious and unaware of their own thoughts, and their subconscious mind is running the show.  This is why meditation is key to anything if you want to change your life and your future.  You need to rewire and reprogram the mothership that's creating your current reality.   It is only by doing this that you can produce a different outcome in your life.  


2.  I’d surely make myself the #1 priority and I’d stop worrying so much about money or the future and I’d learn how to live fulfilled in the present moment.  You can't take money or anything materialist with you when you leave this world so focus on other things like how you are living your life or making this world a better place simply by your presence.  Also know that the less you think about money, the more you will have.  I often think back of how many times I was scared and fearful of not having enough, only to come to find out I had more than enough in that moment of time and that I was always supported and provided for.  We can sometimes allow fear of the future or fear of not having enough to rob us of the joy we can experience in the present moment, so always notice what you are choosing to focus on.  Are you focus on what you don't have, or are you focusing on what you DO have?  Because what you focus on will expand.


3.  I’d shut my cell phone off, stay off social media, and focus all of my time and energy into myself, my family, and where I am headed in my own life.  While you might get some great ideas online, watch a funny video, connect with people you never would have met otherwise, or even grow and market your business always make sure YOU are using social media and not the other way around.  Eliminating distractions and connecting with your own life is essential.  


4.  I’d do lots of yoga and meditation which is the ultimate fountain of youth.  Seriously, you can find me most days just laying on my yoga mat and breathing.  What a gift.


5.  I’d tell fear and those negative voices in my head to shut the hell up and I'd learn how to only listen to the voice of my own higher power.   We can be bombarded with voices inside that aren't even our own.  We can carry the weight of other peoples thoughts, past generations, and other peoples beliefs and they can become stuck inside of our own head.  Finding your own inner voice and listening to that wisdom, love, and power will be the truth that sets you free.


6.  I’d be kind, compassionate, and loving to everyone I encounter and do the deep inner work on myself to release my past and to find forgiveness.  I can look back and think about many times I wasn't operating at my highest state and allowed my own anger, frustration, and disappointment to spill over onto other people.  Even by thought alone you are sending out signals to the universe, so know what what you give out will always come right back to you.  


7.  I’d sleep a lot more and drink more water.    I love sleeping and I love naps too.  So often we can sacrifice our own health for things or people and that will only make our lives more miserable.  So always take care of yourself and take the rest you need without feeling guilty about it.


8.  I’d leave toxic people and environments a hell of a lot sooner.  I know this can be a hard one to grasp and you want to really help people, but sometimes you have to allow people to find their own saviour within and allow people to clean up their own messes in life.  You can't change people, and you can't drag people along either.  Your only job is to honour and take care of yourself and be the best you can be.  If people are negative, or bringing you down it's time to bless and release or create strong boundaries for yourself.


9.  I’d stop measuring my self-worth based on how much I weigh.  This can be so challenging at times, but who you were in your 20's will be entirely different than who you are right now.  We can sometimes try hard to get back to a body, back to a weight, or back to how we looked when we were younger but right now is all you've got.  Don't place so much value on metrics and numbers and go by how you feel on the inside.  Love the body you have shown up in today and honour it.  Eat healthy, exercise and take care of yourself.  Also wash your face every day before bed and moisturize your body daily too!  This is the only home you've got, so honour your temple.


10.  I’d remove my toxic breast implants.  Before putting anything into my body whether it be fake boobs, food, drinks, vitamins, supplements, medications I always stop and ask God if it's right and best for me.  Before my surgery I never stopped to ask myself if this was something I should do.  I just went ahead and did it because I wanted to look good.  I'm pretty sure I was dying.  Despite the fact that all doctors and test results said I was fine and that there was "nothing" wrong with my implants or my health, deep down I knew something was terribly wrong.  My body felt like it was 100 years old and I was bed ridden.  Everything was sore.  I looked like death and I felt like death too, and used a cane to walk just before my explant surgery.  Now I know for a fact that I am healthy.  Absolutely no foreign toxic objects inside my body!


11.  I’d stop obsessively checking myself out in the mirror and I'd stop putting so much pressure on myself to look a certain way.  I'd also only wear clothes that I love and I'd honour my own style regardless of what other people think.  You can find me most days in yoga pants and bare feet.


12.  I’d eat more chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream waffle cones and enjoy my favourite red wine without guilt or shame.  After I got out of the fitness industry and started eating foods I loved again that weren't just chicken, sweet potatoes, veggies, and protein shakes, I gained weight.  But I also stopped having panic attacks and my hormones balanced out when I allowed myself to eat freely again and bring back all the foods I once loved and enjoyed, and my god... I don't know what I'd do without chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream in my life.  I no longer deprive or restrict myself or follow other peoples rules for my life or my body.  


13.  I’d pay careful attention to my thoughts and what I am always thinking about.  Our thoughts become things and what we think about manifests in real life.  Change your thoughts, and you will change your life.


14.  I’d learn to think for myself and unlearn a lot of the limiting beliefs I learned from others growing up.  Just because your parents think one day, doesn't mean you have to follow suit or do what they do.  Pay very close attention to who you are taking advice from.  Do they have the kind of results you want for your own life?  If not, you might not want to listen to them.  Thinking for yourself is the most powerful thing you can do.  Do not allow anyone to tell you what to do.  Do what you think is right and best and always follow your own heart and soul.  


15.  I’d speak kindly to myself and tell myself how proud I am of the person I have become.  I'd be my own biggest fan and BFF a heck of a lot sooner.  So many times in my life I just condemned, blamed, rejected, or judged myself for things only to find out that it was all part of God's plan for my life and purpose.  Shower yourself with love and grace.  In the present moment all is well and all is perfect and complete and you don't need anyone else's approval but your own.


16.  I’d stop comparing myself to other people and love who I was created to be.  Do not waste any time wanting what others have or wishing you were like anybody else.  You were created unique and different for a reason.  


17.  I’d do the deep inner work to heal my inner child and be the person she needs me to be.   If you don't do this work that little inner wounded child will keep coming back to self-sabotage any chance of success you might have.  Your inner child needs love, acknowledgement, protection, praise, recognition, and peace.  Give that to yourself.


18.  I’d stop competing with other people and stay in my own lane.  When you know who you are and what you are called to do in this lifetime, there is absolutely no rush, and no competition.  What God has for you, is for you and it's your job to create it!


19.  I’d only do work that I love to do and use my gifts and talents for good.  I'd be my own boss, build my own business, and use my magical powers to create it all by myself by asking my own infinite intelligence (AKA GOD) what to do and how to do it.  So often we can look to others and ask what we should do, and I will always tell you to sit quietly with yourself, turn inward, and ask God.  You have all the answers within, so follow your own lead!   Know that the right people will come into your life at the exact moments you need them for you can't get anywhere alone.  You can relax and rest knowing that where you are right now is where you're meant to be.


20.  Most importantly I’d have a definite aim and purpose for my life and a plan for its attainment and faith and belief in myself that I had the ability to make it all happen.   


You are here for a purpose, and that purpose is to love.  It's to be love, and to share love.  That's it.  When you operate on a high flying frequency of love NOTHING is impossible for you.





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