Full Moon Magic
Nov 11, 2024
Just like a beautiful full moon reflects on a dark body of water, our inner world is always reflecting back to us. The instant we let go of our past and any negative energy attached to it, is the minute the new, the better, and the more beautiful experiences will begin to come into our life.
So today I want to share with you a 17 step process of renewal, so you can bring new energy into your life particularly around a full moon. Each one starts with the letter R.
When we pay attention we can easily see our own internal hangups that need to be disposed of.
When we pay close attention to what we are noticing we can begin to transform our lives and pluck out anything that we no longer want to carry with us.
You may notice that when you run into certain people or certain situations that your anxiety or “spidey” senses are going off the radar, or that you are repelled or turned off for the negative energy that somehow you've attracted. But this is an opportunity to get curious and turn inward to see what is being reflected back to you and what you need to pluck out of your own inner world. This is an opportunity for you to see why you attracted such a person or experience into your life, and what you can do differently next time.
Most importantly how you can begin to think differently the next time.
Are your vibrations a match?
Is there something similar between the two of you?
Are they identical in some way to how you are choosing to live your own life?
Do they provide clues as to low level negativity or negative energy that needs to be transcended and released out of your own body and life?
When it comes to truly changing your life you have to notice what is happening, you have to learn, and you have to be willing to leave and let go of whatever is bringing you down.
You need to decide that the only thing you have room for in your life for and the only thing that you are going to give away is love. Everything else is far too heavy for you to carry.
Rebirth, Reinvention, Recommitment, Release
A rebirth, a reinvention, a recommitment to yourself and a spiritual surrender is necessary if you want to be free. After you do this, you will notice your outer world begin to change. You will see that what is being reflected back to you is love, fun, joy, connection, friendship, and beauty.
Before any change occurs our world is often dark, depressing, boring and sometimes scary. Transcending the fear out of your body and returning home to love is a process.
It’s an awakening and ultimately in the end it’s a decision that you’re no longer going to be the person you were before and you are going to consciously choose to become someone else.
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